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What placement tests do I need to take and how can I take them?2796 views

placement tests transcript test transfer math High School Equivalency online orientation writing English

All new degree-seeking students must demonstrate initial placement levels in English and Math upon entry to the College to register for their first semester. Any student wishing to register for English and/or Math courses must demonstrate specific placement levels to satisfy a particular course prerequisite. Review the testing scores summary to determine if you need to take placement testing. All scores will be posted on the accessECC portal. Need help to log in to see placement test results? Read our instructions

The testing center offers the following placement tests:

If you'd like to make an appointment for a placement test, please use our online form to schedule using RegisterBlast.

More on other types of tests for students interested in health care programs or career certifications can be found on the Testing Services website. Questions? Call 847-214-7150


Admissions & Recruitment

Building B, Room B110
Fax: 847-608-5458