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placement tests transcript test transfer math High School Equivalency online orientation writing English
Using a computer, you will write an essay of approximately two pages in length. You will select one of three topics to focus your essay response. You are allowed to use a single piece of scratch paper.
An effective essay will include each of the following:
A thesis or main idea;
Several paragraphs of sufficient, relevant, and specific detail or examples related to the topic selected based on your experience, observations, or readings;
Good organization, including an introduction, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion;
Correct grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.
Before you submit your essay, you should proofread (reread and correct) your essay. You can use spell-check and scratch paper.
We recommend you take a few steps to prepare before taking your writing placement essay test. Students who review first typically do much better than those who do not. You can prepare by reviewing the sample scored essays.
Placement test results will be available within seven business days.
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Last updated on Mar 13, 2024
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