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There are several differences between the two programs.
Eligibility: All students are eligible for the Intensive English Program but must have a certain level of proficiency to enter. It is appropriate for students on an F-1 visa. Only Illinois residents are eligible for the part-time Adult Basic Education program. Also, because the part-time program is partially funded by federal grant monies, individuals who are on certain types of visas are not eligible due to visa restrictions (e.g., visitor visas, student visas, au pairs).
Cost: The Intensive English Program charges tuition for its classes. Part-time Adult Basic Education ESL classes are free to eligible students.
Time: The Intensive English Program is full-time (although students may opt for part-time within the program). It only offers daytime classes. The Adult Basic Education part-time program meets 5-6 hours per week. Classes typically meet two days a week (Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday). It offers both morning and evening classes.
Class start dates and number of weeks: The Intensive English program has multiple start dates throughout the year and consists of 4-week sessions (fall/spring) or 5-week summer workshops. The part-time Adult Basic Education ESL program has start dates in August/September, January/February, and April. The classes are 10-16 weeks long.
Location: The Intensive English Program is offered at the Elgin campus only. The part-time Adult Basic Education program offers both in-person and online classes. In-person classes are available at a variety of locations including Elgin, Hanover Park, Carpentersville, and Burlington.
Levels: The Intensive English Program has three levels and requires a minimum understanding of English to qualify for the program. The part-time Adult Basic Education ESL program has 9 levels and serves students with no English proficiency through pre-college.
Registration process: Intensive English Program enrollment is always open. Come to Building C, Room C221, or call 847-214-7163. A placement test is required for all new students. For the part-time Adult Basic Education ESL program, come to building K to the front reception desk or complete this online form to start the process.
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Last updated on Jul 22, 2024
Building B, Room B110
Fax: 847-608-5458